My Scottish "Wilkie" Family



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1951 He was a Member of St. Pauls United Church, Tillsonburg, Ontario. source: M Irene Haley Hopper Lawrence, Carman (I1718)
1952 Head, White, Farmer, Age 51, Birth 21 May 1849, Baptist, Married

#58, Subdist a-7, Page 3, Schedule 1, Line 15 
Haley, Squire Wellington (I1485)
1953 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Rouse, S. (I2061)
1954 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lochtie, H. (I694)
1955 Henrietta was first registered in OPR as a male child and named Henry, but further research has confirmed her name to be Henrietta Aiten Philp, spouse of William Wilke, married 1797. NOtes form Judy Philip Philp, Henrietta Aiten (I699)
1956 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Searls, A.E. (I515)
1957 Hospital nurse Wilkie, Agnes Jane Walker (I1063)
1958 House Servant to James B. Edie, Clerk & Collector Rogers, Eliza (I1559)
1959 Housekeeper Prentice, Mary Jane Forbes Mcgregor (I1293)
1960 Housekeeper Wilkie, Elizabeth Bethune (I336)
1961 Housewife Fleming, Flora (I899)
1962 Housewife Graham, Jemina (I852)
1963 Housewife Russell, Isabella (I842)
1964 Housewife all her life Kipp, Anna Elizabeth (I898)
1965 Housewife all her married life Carson, Elizabeth Jane (I854)
1966 Hulda Weeks, Wife, Age 40, Born Canada, Immigrated 1887 Howey, Huldah Jane (I233)
1967 I am guessing this wee girl was named after her Paternal Grandmother, Mary Jane Weeks Source (S242)
1968 I am not convinced this lad is the Son of John Haley & Mary Jane Weeks, as Irene Hopper (researcher) suggests that Mary Jane & John were married in 1845. I have not found a marriage cert. for them to verify that; but as Mary Jane
was born 1827, she would only be 13 or so when she gave birth to this Wm. Possible, but???? (hw)
On Wm & Rachel's marriage cert. William names as his Father _ John Haley, but no mention of Mother. Thus tis possible Wm belongs to John and someone else or ?? John & Mary Jane - hw

Ontario, Canada Census Index 1871 Record: C-9910, Division 1
Name: William Haley
Age: 30
Birthplace: Ontario
Residence: Norwich South
Ethnic Origin: Irish
Religion: Baptist
Division 1
Microfilm Roll: C9910; Page 43

1900 Census, Michigan State, Cty Sanilac, Marlette Twp.
Line 12
Haley, William E., Head, White, Male, Born Nov 1840, Married,Married 38 yrs, Birthplace Canada, Fathers birthplace Canada, Mothers birthplace New York, Immigrated 1881, 19 yrs in USA,, Occupation Engineer / Stationary,
Haley, Rachel A., White, Female, Born Apr 1841, Age 59, Married , Married 38 yrs, # of chn - 4, # chn living - 2, Birthplace Canada,
Fathers birthplace New York, Mothers birthplace Canada, Immigrated 1881, 19 yrs in USA

1910 Census; Michigan State, Sanilac Cty, Marlette Twp
Line 47
Haley, William, Head, White, Male, Age 70, Widowed, Birthplace Canada, Fathers Canada, Mothers Canada, Immigrated 1881, Own Income 
Haley, William (I1481)
1969 I am presuming for the time being a probability exists these may be the parents of my G G Great Grandfather Robert Wilkie. My reasons being that the dates jive and the naming pattern is familiar. Further descendants used the names of Dewar as a middle name for one of the children, suggesting that John Wilkie & Margaret Dewar may also be connected as poss. parents. Further research required to truly verify as fact however.

As of January 2011, many Wilkie researchers are still clinging to this strong probability - that John Wilkie & Janet Stevenson are indeed the Parents of Robert Wilkie married to Christian Paul,
Isabel Ann Wilkie married to James William Dick
John Wilkie & Christian Ross , then Helen Main
William Wilkie & Henrietta Aiken Philp
The sources being used are Old Parish Records, Aberdour Parish; IGI, various individual birth, marriage, death records kept by various family descendants and family stories or legends HW

Birth - Janet Stevenson
Birth Date: 24 Apr 1749
Baptism Date: 30 Apr 1749
Baptism Place: Dunfermline Associate Session, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland
FHL Film Number: 889488
Reference ID: 2:2VRXPLF

2nd Source: FHL Film Number 1040102
Reference ID: -2:16MGKDQ
Same info & Dates as above for Birth and Baptism 
Stevenson, Janet (I314)
1970 I have found 2 Charles Jones,
one a Charles E. Jones om 1910 census, born abt 1867, age 43, Birthplace Michigan, Home / Res is 3 Wd, Detroit, Wayne, MI, Operating a Boarding House, Wife Ada, age 43, Born MI, + Daughter in law Edna M and Grand Daughter Beatrice

1920 Census, Highland Park City, Wayne, Michigan
Charles Jones, Owner, Head, Male, Age 54, Immigrated 1883, Born Canada, likewise Parents, Millwright, Automobile Factory
Francis Jones , WIfe, Female, Age 51, Born Canada
Gladis Jones, Daughter, Age 27, Born Canada
Francis Jones, Son, Age 18, unable to decipher the rest 
Jones, Charlie E. (I1535)
1971 IGI - Earl J. Watters, Male, Born 1878 Michigan, Died 11 December 1948, Parents: Myron Chester Watters & Mary F. Wyat, Spouse Elvira Ray (Wray)

I have found various spellings for Earl J. Watters, - Waters, Walters,

1880 Marion, Livingston, Michigan Census; NA Film # T9-0592; Pg # 185B; Family History Film 1254592
Name: Earl J. Walters
Birth Yr: 1878
Birthplace, Michigan
Age: 2 yrs
Single, White,
Head of Household: Miron Walters
Relationship to Head: Son
Fathers Birthplace: Michigan
Mothers Birthplace: New York

1900 United States Census; Enumeration Dist: 0016; Sheet # 2B; Household# 52; Ref # 97; GSU Film 1240719; Image # 00538
Name: Erl J. Walters
Res: Jackson City, Jackson, Michigan, USA
Birth Date: July 1878
Birthplace: Michigan
Relationship: Son
Father's Birthplace: Michigan
Mothers Name: Mary Walters
Mother's Birthplace: New York
White, Male, Single
Erl was enumerated with his Mother - Mary Walters

Michigan Marriages 1868-1925: Film # 2342518; Digital GS 4032362; Image # 204; Ref # v 2 rn 285
Groom: Earl J. Walters
Age: 23 yrs
Birth Yr: 1878
Birthplace: Marion
Bride: Elvira Wray
Age: 23 yrs
Birth Yr: 1878
Birthplace: Croswell
Marriage Date: 05 Aug 1901
Marriage Place: Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USA
Groom's Father: Myron
Mother's Name: Wyatt
Bride's Father: William
Mother's Name: Westbrook

1920 United States Census, Jackson, Michigan, Film # 1820774; Digital GS 4311612; Image # 00505; Sheet # 13
Name: Earl Waters
Res: Jackson, Jackson, Michigan
Est Birth Yr: 1879
Age: 41 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Head of Household: Self
Male, White, Married
Name: Alvira Waters,
Est Birth Yr: 1879
Age: 41 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Relationship: Wife,
Female, White, Married
Name: Thelma E. Waters
Est Birth Yr: 1909
Age: 11 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Relationship: Daughter
Female, White, Single 
Watters, Earl J. (I2214)
1972 IGI Birth Record - John Haley Batch # 5007630, Sheet 60, Source Call # 1553480
Name: John Haley
Sex: Male
Birth: 13 Jan 1823, Bayham Twp., Elgin Cty, Ontario
Parents: Father - Selid Haley, Mother - Mariah B Mansfield

1851 Census , Enumeration District 2, Canada West, Oxford Cty., Dereham Twp, Part 2
Lines 31-35
John Haley, Farmer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 30, Male
Mary Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 25, Female
Wellington Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 3, Male
Nathan Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 1, Male
Abigail Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 15, Female
Geo Brington?, Labourer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 23, Male
Squires Haley, Labourer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Bayham C.W., Age 23, Male*
* Squires Haley is probably John Haley's brother, born 1827 hw but I have no idea who Abigail Haley belongs to at this time Nov/2006

John Haley was living in 1862/63 on Conc 12, Lot 12, Dereham Twp., Oxford Cty, On, as per 1862-63 Oxford Directory - Dereham Twp.
John Haley was living in 1867 on Conc 12, Lot 11, Dereham Twp., Oxford Cty., ON, as per 1867 Gazetteer & Directory.

1871 Census, National Archives, Reel C9910, Township Dereham, District 13 -South Oxford, Page 71, Line 10 - 17.
Haley, John, male, age 48, birthplace Ontario, religion W.E. Methodist, Origin Welsh, Occupation Farmer, married
Haley, Mary Jane, female, age 44, birthplace Ontario, religion Methodist, Origin English, married
Haley, Wellington, male, age 21, birthplace Ontario, religion Methodist, Occupation farm Labourer, single
Haley, Nathan, male, age 20, as above, Occupation Farm labourer
Haley, Alonso, male, age 17, as above, Occupation Farm labourer
Haley, Mary Jane, female, age 15, as above, going to school
Haley, Joseph, male, age 12, as above, going to school
Haley, George, male, age 2
They had horses, swine, milch cows, horned cows, sheep.

** Birthplace seems to differ for John Haley, on 1871, it is printed that his birthplace was ONT., but on death certificate it is noted as England - more verification needed HW

I have been unsuccessful in finding John & Mary Jane (Weeks) Haley in the Canadian 1881 census. I have found a John Haley living with an Isabella Haley, John being a farmer in the Hamilton, Northumberland West, Div 4, Page 22, Family 103, the age is right for John but who is Isabella, further the religion is Catholic which again doesn't fit.
I found another family spelled John & Jane Healey in Ontario, but again many children living with them and the names do not fit John & Jane's family names - so where are John & Mary Jane in 1881? hw

Source LDS Film # 1853185, # 14179-'84
Name: John Haley
Died: 5 Jan. 1884
Sex: Male
Where Born: Norwich, England
Cause of Death: Apoplexy - x 3 weeks
Name of Physician: Charles McDonald
Informant: Mary Jane Haley (* I believe this to be John's dtr. as wife Mary Jane died in 1877)
Registered; 7 Jan, 1884
Religion: Episcopalitan
Registrar: Geo. (L)(F)ish or k* hard to read
Burial in Dobbie Cemetery, Bayham Township, Elgin Cty.

Confirmed Nov, 2002 per M I (Haley) Hopper
Will of Haley, Seled L, of Bayham
Date: April 26, 1872; file 426 ; MFNO 1378
Described as a farmer - children: John Haley, Oxford cty; Eleanor Jane Rowson, Norfolk Cty; Cephronia Ann Heron; Sarah Boughner; William Haley; Jennet Haley; Squie Haley; Belinda Ronson; Andrew Thomas Haley; Margaret Crossett, who died in 1864, wife of Benjamin Crossett of Michigan- grandchildren: Andrew Irwin Crossett, 10 years, Michigan; Leander Crossett, 9 years, Michigan- wife described only as deceased.
Source; Elgin Cty Library - History/Estates

Possible Connection:
Haley, William, 21, Norwich, Norwich, s/o John, married 11 Nov. 1861 Rachel Ann Wiley, 19, Norwich, Norwich, d/o John & Hannah.
Source; Oxford Cty Marriage Registers; 1858-1869, v 26, 971.3 v22m v.26 LDS This individual is William E. Haley, Son of John & Athalinda Haley - an Uncle to 'our ' John Haley - August 2007 hw verification through land documents on Norwich property 
Haley, John (I261)
1973 IGI Birth: Batch #C518802; Births 1867-1875; Source # 0979464
Name: Elvira Wray
Birth Date: 04 September 1877, Sanilac, Michigan
Parents: William Wray & Polley Westbrook* (spelled as stated on IGI record)

1880 USA Census, Lexington, Sanilac Cty, Michigan, Roll T9-605, Family History Film 1254605, Page 130B, Enumerating District 336, Image 0262
Joseph Wray, Male, Head, Age 22 yrs
Russell Gifford, Male, Age 36 yrs
Benjamin Westbrook, Male, Age 64, Est Birth 1816 Canada, Parents birthplace New York, Occupation Works on Farm, Married, White
Polly A. Westbrook, Female, Age 59,
Polly J. Wray, Age 23, Sister in Law, Boarder
Hattie Wray, Neice, Born Canada
Elvira Wray, Neice, Born Michigan
Henry Wray, Nephew, Born Michigan

Michigan Marriages 1868-1925: Film # 2342518; Digital GS 4032362; Image # 204; Ref # v 2 rn 285
Groom: Earl J. Walters
Age: 23 yrs
Birth Yr: 1878
Birthplace: Marion
Bride: Elvira Wray
Age: 23 yrs
Birth Yr: 1878
Birthplace: Croswell
Marriage Date: 05 Aug 1901
Marriage Place: Jackson, Jackson, Michigan, USA
Groom's Father: Myron
Mother's Name: Wyatt
Bride's Father: William
Mother's Name: Westbrook

1920 United States Census, Jackson, Michigan, Film # 1820774; Digital GS 4311612; Image # 00505; Sheet # 13
Name: Earl Waters
Res: Jackson, Jackson, Michigan
Est Birth Yr: 1879
Age: 41 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Head of Household: Self
Male, White, Married
Name: Alvira Waters,
Est Birth Yr: 1879
Age: 41 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Relationship: Wife,
Female, White, Married
Name: Thelma E. Waters
Est Birth Yr: 1909
Age: 11 yrs
Birthplace: Michigan
Relationship: Daughter
Female, White, Single 
Wray, Elvira (I2196)
1974 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Muir, M. (I653)
1975 In 1880 Census of Mears, Oceana Co., Michigan, p479C, Schedule 1
Cyrenius Slaght, W, M, Age 35, Married, Dry Goods Merchant, Birthplace
Canada, Parents birthplace Canada also
Maria Slaght, W, F, Age 34, Wife, Married, Housekeeping, Birthplace Canada, Parents birthplace Canada also
Lillie M. J. Slaght, W, F., Age 16, Daughter, Clerk in Store, Birthplace Canada, Parents birthplace Canada
Milton Slaght, W, M, Age 6, Son, In School, Birthplace Michigan, Parents birthplace Canada
Rhoda Slaght, W.,F.,Age 56, Boarder, Widowed, Housework, Birthplace Canada, Father New York, Mother Canada

Found Milton Slaght on 1900 census in Hart, Oceana, MI, age 26, Farmer, residing with his wife Emma C.Slaght, Son Cyrenus M. Slaght age 1 and his mother in law Amanda L. Hyde who is 67 and a widow

Found Milton Slaght in 1910 census Everett, Snohomish Cty., Washington, USA, age 36, Occupation Machinist with his own shop, living with his family: Wife Emma C Slaght, age 35, Curenns N Slaght Son, age 11, Flora M. Slaght, dtr, age 9, Rose T. Slaght, dtr, age 7, Corcinne Slaght, dtr, age 6, Edgar M. Slaght, Son age 2 and his mother in law Amanda L. Heyde, age 77 and a roomer Sophronia Rogers, age 65, divorced.

WWI Draft Registration Card, Serial # 368, Order # N7768 or 2268
Milton Shakespear Slaght
Address R D 2 Kirkland, King, Washington
Age 44
Date of Birth 17 Feb 1874
Farmer, Juanita, King, Wash.
Next of Kin: Emeline Slaght of same address
Date Sept 12, 1918

1920 Census, Juanitia Precinct, Washington , USA, Enum District 43
Lines 57-65
Slaght, Milton, Head, R, M, W,Age 45, Married, Birthplace Michigan, Father Canada English, Mother Canada English, Mechanic
Slaght, Emmaline, Wife, F,W, Age 44, Married, Birthplace Michigan, Father New York, Mother Ohio
Slaght, Serenus, Son, M, W., Age 21, Single, Birthplace Michigan, Parents Michigan, Occupation Mechanic
Slaght, Rosa, Daughter, F,W, Age 17, Single, Birthplace Washington, Parents Michigan
Slaght, Corine, Daughter, F,W,Age 15, Single, Birthplace Washington
Slaght, Edgar, Son, M,W.,Age 11, Single, Born Washington
Slaght, Emaline,Daughter, F,W,Age 8, Single, Born Washington
Slaght, Marvin, Son, M,W, Age 7, Single, Born Washington
Slaght, Carl W., Son, M,W, Age 21/2, Single, Born Washington

1930 Census, Houghton, King, Washington, Lines 17 -21, Enum Dist 17-297
Slaght, Milton D*., Head, R, 12,M,W, Age 56, Married , 21 yrs when married, Born Michigan, Father Canada English, Mother Canada English, Laborer, Odd Jobs
* Initial looks like 'D', but in all other census data, has been S or Shakespeare hw
Slaght, Emaline, Wife, F,W, Age 54, Married, 20 yrs when married, Born Michigan, Father New York, Mother Ohio
Slaght, Marvin, Son, M,W, Age 17, Single, Born Washington, Occupation none, Parents born Michigan
Slaght, Edgar M., Son, M,W, Age 21, Single, Born Washington, Occ Odd Jobs, Parents Michigan
Slaght, Warren N., Son,M,W., Age 12, Single, Born Washington, Parents Michigan

Death Certificate: Source: Washington Death Index 1940-1996
# 19956
Name: Milton S. Slaght
Place of Death: Everett, Washington, USA
Date of Death: 13 Nov 1949
Age: 75 years 
Slaght, Milton Shakespear (I1279)
1976 In 1928 he was a Papermill worker, living at Carlton cottage, Woodside Scotland, then Markinch from 1937-1950. Death:
Died June 6 1962, Scotland, Fife, Glenrothes, 126 Woodside Way. Prior to his death he was a Foreman Papermaker in the Tullis Russel Papermakers, Glenrothes. 
Wilkie, William (I387)
1977 In 1928 Lucy was a Papermill worker - source Joyce Hill Lawson, Lucy Mayes (I386)
1978 In 1928, Thomas Lawson, was a coalminer. Lawson, Thomas (I383)
1979 In reviewing this file in 2011 - From IGI - possible birth for Mary Bethune is: Batch #7130920, Source Call #: 0538990
Mary Bethune, Female, Christening: 26 Dec 1835 Kennoway Fife Scotland
Parents: William Bethune & Agnes Adamson
** Is it possible Agnes Adamson is one & same with Addison??? hw certainly on the 1881 census - her age is 46, place of Birth Kennoway

1861 Census ; Blainforth or Blairforth, Orwell Parish, Kinross Co.,
John Wilkie, Head, Married, Age 24, Shepherd, Birthplace Auchtertool, Fifeshire
Mary Wilkie, Wife, Married, Age 25, Birthplace, Fifeshire, Kenoway
William Wilkie, Son, 4 Mos., Birthplace, Orwell, Kinrosshire

1871 Scotland Census, Leslie, Fife, Roll CSSCT1871_71; Household # 125, Line 19
John Wilkie, Head, Marr, male, Birthplace Auchtertool, Fifeshire, Occupation Farm Labourer, Address: Balsillie Farm Cot House
Mary Wilkie, Wife, Female, Age 35
William Wilkie, Son, Male, Age 9
Agnes Wilkie, Dtr, Female, Age 8, Scholar
Christine Wilkie, Dtr, Female, Age 6, Scholar
Catherine Wilkie, Dtr, Female, Age 5
Robert Wilkie, Son, Male, Age 3
Mary Wilkie, Dtr, Female, Age 10 mos
Agnes Bethune, Sister in Law, Age 35, Farm Labourer
Agnes Bethune, Niece, Age 3
John Steedman Servant, Age 22, Farm Labourer
Andrew Lambert, servant, Age 18, Farm Labourer

1881 Census:
Dwelling: 49 Gallowgate, Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland
Film 0203524, Vol 439, Enum Dist 2, page 21
John Wilkie, Head, Labourer General, married, Age 44, Sex Male, Birthplace Auchtertool, Fife, Scotland
Mary Wilkie, Wife, married, age 46, Sex female, Birthplace Kennoway, Fife, Scotland
Agnes Wilkie, Daughter, mill worker, unmarried, age 19, Sex female, Birthplace Amgask, Perth, Scotland
Christina Wilkie, Daughter, mill worker, unmarried, age 17, Birthplace, Leslie, Fife, Scotland
Catherine Jane Wilkie, Daughter, mill worker, unmarried, age 15, Birthplace, Leslie, Fife, Scotland
Robert Wilkie, Son, Mill worker, unmarried, age 13, Birthplace, Leslie, Fife, Scotland
Mary Wilkie, Daughter, mill worker, unmarried, age 11, Birthplace, Leslie, Fife, Scotland
John Wilkie, Son, scholar, age 8, Birthplace, Leslie, Fife, Scotland
Elizabeth Wilkie, Daughter, age 18 mos., Birthplace, Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland.

1891 Census
Source: 439-002-Entry 13, Page 22, Kinghorn, # 27 North Crossgates Street
John Wilkie, Head, Married, Age 54, shepherd, Birthplace Auchertool; 3 rooms with one or more windows.
Mary Wilkie, Wife, married, Age 55, Birthplace Kennoway
John Wilkie, Son, Unmarried, Age 19, Labourer - Mason, Birthplace Leslie
Elizabeth Wilkie, Daughter, Unmarried, Age 11, Scholar, Birthplace Kinghorn.

Death Certificate: 1898 - 439-42 Page 14
Name: Mary Wilkie, married to John Wilkie, Shepherd
Date/Place; Nov 12, 8 h 30 min A. M., Sinfield, Kinghorn
Sex: Female
Age; 63 years
Parents: William Bethune, Stone Mason, Deceased
Agnes Bethune, M.S. Addison, Deceased
Cause of Death: Heart Disease x 2 yrs. as cert. by Jas. Welsh, M.D.
Informant: John Wilkie, Widower, Present
Registered: Oct 12 @ Kinghorn, John Hepburn, Registrar*

Something out of order here, either the death date is wrong and should be Oct 12, ??? All other entries on the Page were late Oct, thus I think it should read Nov. 12

** Father is named as William Bethune and on Marriage is stated as James Bethune. perhaps a Wm James or diff?? HW, May 2004
Mother on John & Mary's marriage certificate was Adison - spelling on death cert if Addison hw

Kinghorn (About this sound listen (help·info); Gaelic: Ceann Gronna) is a town in Fife, Scotland. A seaside resort with two beaches, Kinghorn Beach and Pettycur Bay, plus a fishing port, it stands on the north shore of the Firth of Forth opposite Edinburgh. According to the 2008 population estimate, the town has a population of 2,930.

Known as the place where King Alexander III of Scotland died, it lies on the A921 road and the Fife Coastal Path. Kinghorn railway station is on the Edinburgh to Aberdeen and Fife Circle railway lines. Kinghorn only has a primary school so high school pupils must travel by bus to Balwearie High School in Kirkcaldy.

The town's lifeboat station is one of Scotland's busiest - regularly getting called out to all sorts of emergencies in the Firth 
Bethune, Agnes Mary (I329)
1980 In the last few years of his life, "Bud" drove the Dairy Milk truck from
Sardis to Vancouver - for nearly 25 years. Previous to that Bud drove the TransCanada highway. He was very muscular and strong.

"Bud" was his nickname.
Bud's ashes were also scattered in the woods nearby Chilliwack, B.C.

Source for above information was dtr. Myrna Peacock Oct., 2003. 
Thompson, Trevor Moore (I1080)
1981 Info from Margaret Kay Dick's daughter in law

Son William Dick was a Universalist. He married their serving girl, who was very beautiful but she was deaf and very high tempered. He was disinherited by the family for this marriage. How much this marriage has influenced the family history is attested by the deafness and high tempers of some of the descendants. 
Dick, William (I603)
1982 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Noels, Z.V.P. (I254)
1983 Info given to me by Irene Hopper, her data has always been accurate Source (S234)
1984 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. McArthur, A.S.M. (I2147)
1985 Info on Racenia Eliza Turner from Slaght researcher

Parents of Racenia E. Turner are James E. Turner & Mary Ann Tilson. It was rumoured to me that Mary Ann Tillson's parents were either George Tillson (founder of Tillsonburg) or E.D. Tillson, son of George.
Annadale House in Tillsonburg, (currently a museum) was built by E.D.Tillson. I have not verified this connection 
Turner, Racenia Eliza (I435)
1986 Information I have found for a Fred George Howard is sketchy - still alot of holes and much confirmation required

World War I Draft Registration Cards 1917-1918
Fred George Howard
City: not stated
County: King
State: Washington
Birthplace: Washington
Birth date: 03 Sep 1892*
Race: Caucasian
Draftboard: 1
** The orginal view reveals name as above, Age 25
Birth date confirmed
Place of Birth: Harts Lake, Washington
Occupation: Clerk
Residence: Sellack
Married and one child - No names given

Washington Births: 1891-1919
Birth Date: 3 Sep 1891
Location: Pierce
Parents: George W. Howard & Elizabeth Dwight Howard
Image File: 0378

Social Security Death Index:
SSN: 531-09-8418
Born: 3 Sep 1891
Died: May 1957 
Howard, Fred George (I280)
1987 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Fewster, B.A. (I648)
1988 Ingersoll Tribune Newspaper clipping:
Thomas M. Fewster weds Ina M. Weeks
Mt. Elgin: A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thrusday evening of last
week at the parsonage at Dereham Centre, when Rev. A. H. Plyley united in marriage, Ina Marie Weeks, daughter of Mr. John Weeks of Mount Elgin and Thomas Maxwell Fewster, son of Mrs. Irene Fewster of Salford. There were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fewster of Salford. On their return from a short motor trip the young couple will reside in this community where their many friends wish for them a long and happy wedded life. 
Family: Thomas Maxwell Fewster / Ina Marie Weeks (F206)
1989 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Fewster, M.M. (I641)
1990 Ingersoll Tribune Newspaper clipping: June 08, 1944 Pg 6, Col 4
On Wednesday, May 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Fewster, a son. William Albert 
Fewster, William Albert (I647)
1991 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Fewster, C.M. (I645)
1992 Interview with Timothy and wife Elaine Beaman, Carissa was born July 1, 2001 Source (S266)
1993 Inveresk with Musselburgh, MidLothian, Scotland, UK Wilson*, Janet (Jessie) (I201)
1994 Inverkeithing, Fife, Scotland Wilkie, Ebenezer (I1220)
1995 Isabel Constance Frye is missing on the 1901 England Census with the other family members like Father John Frye, siblings John W. Frye, Kate Frye, Norman Frye, Dorothy Frye. As Isabel C. Frye was aged 19 yrs on the 1891 English census, it is feasible she could have married and thus under a different name.

England & Wales Free BMD Index 1837-1915
Frye, Isabella Constance - 3a volume, 1898 Apr-May-Jun qtr HW 
Frye, Isabel Constance (I1490)
1996 Isabella Barclay Age 32, Wife Morton, Isabella Elder (I263)
1997 Isabella Barclay Wife, Age 42 Morton, Isabella Elder (I263)
1998 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Duff, I. (I1121)
1999 Isabella is recorded on the England 1841 Census, living with her Parents John & Barbara Wilkie; Age 4 years
1841 England Census- St Giles without Cripplegate Civil Parish, Cty - Middlesex, Reg District East London, Sub dist Cripplegate
John Wilkie, Age 25, Birth yr abt 1816, Male, Birthplace Scotland
Barbara Wilkie, Age 21
Isabella Wilkie, Age 4
Christiana Wilkie, Age 2
Robert Wilkie, Aged 8 mos.
Source: 1841 England Census
Class HO107; Piece 727, Book 3, Civil Parish St Giles without Cripplegate, Cty Midlesex, Enum Dist 3, Folio 14, Page 22, Line 10, GSU roll 438831

Isabella is recorded on the Scotland 1841 Census, residing with Grandparents Forrest Hay & Mrs Hay - both 45 yrs
Source: Parish - South Leith; ED:6A, Pg 2, Line: 740, Roll: Year 1841 Date census taken June 6 1841
Forrest Hay - Age 45
Mrs Hay - Age 45
Isabella Hay - Age 20
Barbara Hay - Age 20 (? if this is Barbara Hay who married John Wilkie)
William Hay - Age 20
Martha Hay - Age 16
Forrestiana Hay - Age 15
Elizabeth Hay - Age 15
William Gray - Age 15
Isabella Wilkie - Age 3

Isabella is recorded on the England 1851 Census, living with her Parents John & Barbara Wilkie, Age 13 years, Day Scholar
1851 England Census - Civil Parish Westminster St James, Cty Middlesex, Reg Dist St James Westminster, Sub Reg - Berwick Street, 5, Hshld # 108
John Wilkie, Head, Birthpl - Fife, Scotland, Est Birthyr 1813, Age 38; Occupation Victualler
Barbara Wilkie, Wife, Age 34
Isabella Wilkie, Age 13
Faustina Wilkie * (Christina), Age 7
Forrest Wilkie, Age 2
William D. Wilkie Age 4 mos.
Source: Class HO107, Piece 1483, Folio 266, Pg 24, GSU roll - 87808;

Isabella is recorded on the England 1861 Census, living with her Mother Barbara & Sister Barbara, Daughter, Occupation - Seamstress
1861 England Census, Hackney, Middlesex, England, Reg Dist St James Westminster, Sug Reg - Berwick street
Barbara Wilkie, Head, Female, Age 43, Widow; Lodging House & Keeper Coffee Shop, birthpl - Scotland
Isabella Wilkie, Dtr, Age 23, Unmarried, Seamstress, birthpl Hackney Middlesex, Eng
Barbara Wilkie, Dtr, Age 16, Unmarried, Teacher, blrthpl Westminster, Middlesex, Eng
Source Citation: Class: RG9, Piece 60, Folio 9, Pg 6, GSU Roll: 542565
Location: House Number 3, Richmond Street, Westminster, London, Middlesex, England

Received notes from John & Elspeth Hutchinson, family researchers in Essex England and also records for census material. Census verified by me hw

Marriage: Find my Past; City of Westminster Archives Centre; Westminster Marriages; Parish Marriages, England; Page 27 (2018)

Date: July 23 1861
Place: Church - in Parish of St James Westminster, County of Middlesex
Certificate #: 53
Groom: Joseph Mills, Full age, Bachelor, Baker, Residence Richmond St, Father: William Mills, Carpenter trade
Bride: Isabella Wilkie, Full age, Spinster, Residence Richmond St, Father: John Wilkie, Victualler, deceased
Married in the Church according to the Rites and Cermonies of the Established Church, by or after Banns by me: P. Snaith Duval, Curate
Signed: Joseph Mills & Isabella Wilkie
Witnesses: Mr Cooper Hay and Forrestina Wilkie

Found a Death on Free BMDs - as age 80 in 1923 - at Brentford - Middlesex
However further research revealed a Probate stating Isabella Wilkie of 15 Cedars road Chiswick Middlesex - Widow, died 20 Jan 1923 - Probate London 17 Mar to Robert Neaves Wilkie schoolmaster & John Wilkie engineer - effects £2658 os.5d Hw Jan 2012 thus more research required to determine if this is 'our' Isabella Wilkie Mills

Via names in William Dick Wilkie probate will from Sydney Australia, he mentions names of Robert McGregor, Barbara McGregor and great nephew William Dick McGregor
Possible connection may be one Barbara Mills, possible daughter of Joseph Mills & Isabella Wilkie - married to Robert McGregor, residing Greenock Renfrewshire Scotland who had a Son William Dick W. McGregor - married to Sadie Martin McIntosh hw 2019 
Wilkie, Isabella (I1481)
2000 It is interesting that Mary Jane Weeks & John Haley's first child - Squire Wellington is born 1849 and Mary Jane & John were married in 1845; generally children came immediately within the first year or so; childbirths and pregnancies were not without complications during this time period, hence one explanation could be miscarriages or another explanation, children still not found hw 2006. Irene Hopper ( another serious Haley researcher living in Ontario) says one William Haley born about 1840 belongs to John Haley and spouse Athalinda; certainly 1840 is too early for John Haley and Mary Jane Weeks hw 2006

1851 Census , Enumeration District 2, Canada West, Oxford Cty., Dereham Twp, Part 2
Lines 31-35
John Haley, Farmer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 30, Male
Mary Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 25, Female
Wellington Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 3, Male
Nathan Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 1, Male
Abigail Haley, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 15, Female
Geo Brington?, Labourer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Age 23, Male
Squires Haley, Labourer, Born Canada, New C. Methodist, Bayham C.W., Age 23, Male

1861 Cdn Census: Public Archives Canada, microfilmed 1955; Enum. District 3, Dereham Twp, Oxford Cty, Pg 62
John Healey, Male, Age 39, Farmer
Mary J. Healey, Female, Age 34
Squire Healey, Male, Age 12
Nathan H Healey, Male, Age 10
Wm. A. Healey, Male, Age 8
Mary J. Healey, Female, Age 5
Joseph W. Healey, Male, Age 3

1871 Census, National Archives, Reel C9910, Township Dereham, District 13 -South Oxford, Page 71, Line 10 - 17.
Haley, John, male, age 48, birthplace Ontario, religion W.E. Methodist, Origin Welsh, Occupation Farmer, married
Haley, Mary Jane, female, age 44, birthplace Ontario, relgion Methodist, Origin English, married
Haley, Wellington, male, age 21, birthplace Ontario, religion Methodist, Occupation farm Labourer, single
Haley, Nathan, male, age 20, as above, Occupation Farm labourer
Haley, Alonso, male, age 17, as above, Occupation Farm labourer
Haley, Mary Jane, female, age 15, as above, going to school
Haley, Joseph, male, age 12, as above, going to school
Haley, George, male, age 2
They had horses, swine, milch cows, horned cows, sheep.

1891 Cdn Census, Oxford West, Oxford South, District 105 Ontario; Roll T-6361. Family # 114
Mary Healy, Female, Widowed, Age 65, Birth abt 1826, Birthplace Ontario, Head, Baptist, Father & Mother birthplace Ontario
Although the surname entries on many of the census records vary in spelling, I believe this to be 'our' Mary Jane (Weeks) Haley - as her husband John died in 1884, thus widowhood fits, the district is that of 1871 census and I cannot find a 1881 census for anyone in this family to futher compare.

Source for Death of June (Weeks ) Haley
Oxford Tribune and Canada Dairy Reporter - Dec 5/ 1877
Haley: On the 26th ult., the wife of Jr. John Haley, of the 9th concession of South Norwich.* I had long thought this was Mary Jane, but spelled "June" but after finding the record below, the above entry is not relevant to our ancestors at this time. There are numerous Haleys about and the names are similar in the naming pattern, so tis difficult to sort them out. hw

Death Record: Source Ontario Deaths, Cty Essex, South Sandwich, Page 327/328, Schedule C Reg # 008656
Line 24
Name: Haley, Mary Jane
Sex: Female
Date: Nov. 26th 1899
Age: 72
Res: 294 N.T.R (North Talbot Road)
Married, Housewife
Birthplace: Simcoe
Cause of Death: Cancer - 6 mos
Physician: Dr. Munroe
Religion: Baptist
Informant: Joseph Haley
Registered: Nov. 27, 1899*
I am quite certain this is our Mary Jane - as Joseph is her Son, age fits with her birth year as I determined from the various census and Family Lore. hw 
Weeks, Mary Jane (I259)

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