Notes |
- Last known address: 2 Wardlow St, Dunedin, New Zealand
Isabella is buried in Northern Cemetery, Block 12, Plot 22
Date of Burial: 14 Jul 1964
Cremation - ashes
Isabella never married
Burial Ref #C19640731
Burial Register No 42385 Surname RENTON First Names Isabella Douglas Gender Female Age at Death 80 Years Date of Death July 12, 1964 Date of Burial July 14, 1964 Cause of Death Unknown Cemetery Location Block 12 , Plot 0022
Probate for Isabella Douglas Renton -
Isabella was the last surviving member of her family and had a healthy estate. She bequeathed many personal and monetary items to friends and family
Relatives she listed are:
Nephew Owen Hutchison Inglis
Nephew Bruce Rouston Renton - Son of her Brother William Renton
Nephew Rex Willliam David Renton - also Son of her Brother William
Cousin - Lucy Lawson
She also had money set aside to provide care and attention to the family graves in Northern Cemetery