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- Searching the Birth database, found Birth for Agnes Green Sinclair, Parents Janet & John Sinclair, birth year 1883, Reg #9116
A search on the Free BMD for New Zealand, has an Agnes Sinclair marrying:
1) Andrew Aitken in 1907 the Agnes Sinclair that married this fellow died 1951, Aged 67 yrs Reg#26218
2) Ernest Wm Hood - the Agnes Sinclair that married this fellow died 1928, Age 47, Reg #10931
Possibilities for further research
Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger List, Aboard Monterey, sailing from Auckland Jun 30 1934
Admitted Jul 9 1934 for 5 mos pleasure
Sinclair, Agnes Green Age 50, Female, Single, Retired Dept Store buyer, New Zealand Citizen, Race - Scottish; Residence Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1914 Otago Dunedin West
#6340 Sinclair, Agnes Green 23 Cargilll Street Spinster
#6356 Sinclair, Janet 23 Cargill Street Widow
New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1928 Otago, Dunedin West
#8805 Sinclair, Agnes Green 23 Cargill St Spinster
#8820 Sinclair, Janet 23 Cargill St Widow
New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1949 Otago Dunedin Central
#10694 Sinclair, Agnes Green, 23 Cargill Street spinster
New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1963 Otago Dunedin Central
#74 Sinclair, Agnes Green 23 Cargill Street Spinster
From further research in New Zealand sites, and the cemetery files of Northern Cemetery, Free BMD Index of New Zealand, perhaps Agnes Green Sinclair remained a spinster. At any rate, she is buried with her family in Plot 0022, Block 12 - another source states she is buried with the Rentons