Notes |
- Birth - abt 1879 - from 1881 Census & 1891 census
1881 Scotland Census, Falkirk Burgh, ED:12, Pg 19, Line 7, Roll: CSSCT1881_134
James Sharkey, Male, Head, Age 25, Married, Iron Moulder, Birthplace Falkirk Sterlingshire
Margaret Sharkey, Female, Wife, Age 27, Married, Birthplace Falkirk, Sterlingshire
Charles Sharkey, Male, Son, Single, Age 6
Agnes Sharkey, Female, Dtr, Single, Age 4
Mary Sharkey, Female, Dtr, Single, Age 2
Address Etna Buildings
1891 Scotland Census, Falkirk Burgh, ED:5, Pg 7, Line 18, Roll CSSCT1891_148
Margaret Shirkie, Age 33, Female
Charles Shirkie, Male, Son, Age 15
Agnes Shirkie, Female, Dtr 13
Mary Shirkie, Female, Dtr 11
Jas Shirkie, Son, Age 9
John Shirkie, Son, Age 1
1901 Census, Location 'The Banks', Aberdour
Andrew Wilkie, Head, aged 22, Ploughman, Worker, born Portmoak
Mary Wilkie, wife, aged 21, born Falkirk ***
+2 McGregor visitors to the household,namely
Mary Ann McGregor aged 20, dairymaid
Maggie McGregor, aged 1
***Mary would be Andrew's 1st wife -Mary Sharkey
Death Registration - Source Vital Statistics - 1903-422-2
Name: Mary Sharkie, Married to Andrew Wilkie, Ploughman
Date: 1903, February 10, 3h 30 m A.M. Pleasants, Dalgety
Sex: Female
Age: 23 years
Name of Father: John Sharkie, Iron Moulder, Deceased
Name of Mother: Margaret Sharkie, M.S. Gourley
Cause of Death: Pneumonia - 3 days. Influenza 14 days As certified by
G. Jamieson Muko..., Burntisland
Informant: Andrew Wilkie, Widower, Present
Registered: 1903, February 10 at Springhill, Dalgety; Jr Currie, Registrar
Mary's maiden surname is spelled Sharkie on this source, on marriage it was Sharkey. HW