My Scottish "Wilkie" Family

Mary Sharkey

Female 1879 - 1903  (24 years)

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  • Name Mary Sharkey 
    Birth 1879  Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    1881 Census 1881  Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1881 Scotland Census 
    1891 Census 1891  Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    1891 Scotland Census 
    Death 10 Feb 1903  Dalgetty, Fife, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I515  wilkie
    Last Modified 6 Jan 2017 

    Father J. Sharkey 
    Mother M. Gourleyhorn 
    Family ID F154  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Andrew Wilkie,   b. 22 Jun 1878, Portmoak, Kinross, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 May 1907, Edinburgh, Mid Lothian, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 28 years) 
    Marriage 1 Dec 1899  Culross, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Marriage Registration Source 1899-418/B-6
      At the Manse, Culross, on 1 December 1899, Andrew Wilkie, Ploughman, Bachelor, of East Grange Farm, parish of Culross, aged 21, son of Andrew Wilkie, Agricultural Labourer, and Janet Brown, to Mary Sharkey, Domestic Servant, Spinster, aged 20, the Pleasance, Parish of Falkirk, daughter of James Sharkey, Iron Moulder deceased, and Margaret Gourleyhorn. Witnesses: David Wilkie, Agnes Sharkey
     1. Andrew Wilkie,   b. 28 Jun 1902, Dalgetty, Fife, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F153  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 4 May 2016 

  • Notes 
    • Birth - abt 1879 - from 1881 Census & 1891 census

      1881 Scotland Census, Falkirk Burgh, ED:12, Pg 19, Line 7, Roll: CSSCT1881_134
      James Sharkey, Male, Head, Age 25, Married, Iron Moulder, Birthplace Falkirk Sterlingshire
      Margaret Sharkey, Female, Wife, Age 27, Married, Birthplace Falkirk, Sterlingshire
      Charles Sharkey, Male, Son, Single, Age 6
      Agnes Sharkey, Female, Dtr, Single, Age 4
      Mary Sharkey, Female, Dtr, Single, Age 2
      Address Etna Buildings

      1891 Scotland Census, Falkirk Burgh, ED:5, Pg 7, Line 18, Roll CSSCT1891_148
      Margaret Shirkie, Age 33, Female
      Charles Shirkie, Male, Son, Age 15
      Agnes Shirkie, Female, Dtr 13
      Mary Shirkie, Female, Dtr 11
      Jas Shirkie, Son, Age 9
      John Shirkie, Son, Age 1

      1901 Census, Location 'The Banks', Aberdour
      Andrew Wilkie, Head, aged 22, Ploughman, Worker, born Portmoak
      Mary Wilkie, wife, aged 21, born Falkirk ***
      +2 McGregor visitors to the household,namely
      Mary Ann McGregor aged 20, dairymaid
      Maggie McGregor, aged 1
      ***Mary would be Andrew's 1st wife -Mary Sharkey

      Death Registration - Source Vital Statistics - 1903-422-2
      Name: Mary Sharkie, Married to Andrew Wilkie, Ploughman
      Date: 1903, February 10, 3h 30 m A.M. Pleasants, Dalgety
      Sex: Female
      Age: 23 years
      Name of Father: John Sharkie, Iron Moulder, Deceased
      Name of Mother: Margaret Sharkie, M.S. Gourley
      Cause of Death: Pneumonia - 3 days. Influenza 14 days As certified by
      G. Jamieson Muko..., Burntisland
      Informant: Andrew Wilkie, Widower, Present
      Registered: 1903, February 10 at Springhill, Dalgety; Jr Currie, Registrar

      Mary's maiden surname is spelled Sharkie on this source, on marriage it was Sharkey. HW

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